【Want to lose weight easily ?】 Trying To Burn excess fat, just apply the slimming bandage on your body . It is very effective and easy... A slimming bandage that takes away inches of fat Slump
【Details】 It contains Paullinia , Cupana , Hedera , Helix , Extract. It can effectively remove surplus water from body, decompose fat, firm creases caused by fat cells, focus on hips, thigh , waist and arm.
It's so Easy, Natural & Healthy!!!
【Effect】 -Partial slimming effect -Maintenance of resilient bodily shape -Strengthening of skin resilience
【Directions】 1) Best to use after your shower. Otherwise, use a warm wet cloth to clean the area you want to put the wrap on before using the slim wrap. 2) Wrap the slim wrap round the area you want to use on as many times as you like. 3) Use the plastic cling wrap to hold the slim wrap in place. 4) Wrap for 30 - 45 minutes 5) After use, massage the surplus essence into your skin until it is fully absorb
【Storage Method】 Place in original bag after use & store in the fridge to maintain freshness. Or store in a cool and dry place.
The Man ~ 竹碳面膜 - - -( 男性面膜 )---保濕 *╮為滿足現代男性保濕需求研發而成。超服貼的材質更能將面膜中精華液的成分緊緊鎖於肌膚中,再將它傳遞到臉部肌膚的底層鎖起來。除了驚人的保濕力之外,還添加高含量膠原蛋白,含高效保濕因子,預防乾燥、供給肌膚養分,讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙的膚色,它輕盈的質地可以很快的滲透肌膚深層。對各種膚質均有保濕、及修護的效果。並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕,立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。
The Man ~ 控油面膜 - - -( 男性面膜 ) --- 控油 *╮採用獨特配方是針對所有的男性所研發,溫和清爽的質地,可減少皮脂的分泌,並提供肌膚深層所需的保濕,可針對油性肌膚做最佳保養,調節臉部易出油的部位,可發揮具有淨化肌膚及調節油脂分泌的功效,迅速潔淨、緊緻毛孔,更能徹底深層淨化肌膚,將肌膚的污垢與老化細胞的全部代謝,讓肌膚從表層到深層都潔淨清爽並保濕,深度滋潤肌膚,讓您沉睡已久的肌膚重新展現光采!
- reduces existing facial wrinkles and minimize pores - effective against the development of new wrinkles - aids in gentle exfoliation and revitalise skin
- moisture the skin - restoring our skin to a fair and rosy colour
- suitable for all skin types
- Helps to control oil secretion and reduce pore size
- Tightens and repairs skin
- Whiten the skin
- Improve skin elasticity and moisturizes the skin
- Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin
- Improve skin pigmentation
- Leaves the skin clean and cool
- Whitening the skin
- Softens and re-hydrates the skin
- Cleanses and unclog dirt in the pores
- Suitable for all skin types especially coarse or dull skin
- improve skin regeneration
- moisturizes the skin - delays wrinkle formation
- re-hydrates the skin
- suitable for all skin types especially for aging skin
- Restore glow and eliminates skin pigmentation spots - Hydrates skin and smoothen out wrinkles hence improving skin elasticity
- Balances uneven skin tone
- Whiten the skin
- Suitable for all skin types especially for dull skin
- Restores elasticity of skin making the skin more supple and soft
- Moisturizes the skin
- Delays wrinkle formation
- Improves epithelial cell regeneration
- Suitable for all skin types
- help to combat against uneven skin tone
- skin becomes more radiant
- smoothen rough skin, moisture and re-hydrates dry skin
- the presence of proteins help to slow down aging
- suitable for all skin types especially for dehydrated skin
- Contain lots of anti-oxidants -Increase blood circulation of the skin -Improve uneven skin tone and skin dullness
- Moisturizes the skin - Contain pitera that can soften the skin
- Improves dull and rough skin
- Moisturizes and re-hydrates the skin
- Restores elasticity of skin making the skin more supple , soft and smooth
- Whitens and brightens complexion
- Prevents melanin formation and evens out skin pigment that form freckles and scars
- Repairs skin and improves skin elasticity
- Improve uneven skin tone and skin dullness
- The caviar extract helps repair skin and promotes skin regeneration
- Contain high amount of anti-oxidants
- Reduces the chances of aging
- Smooth and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it young and firm
- Rich with micro mineral substances that supplies the skin with nutrients
- Moisture the skin
- firm the skin, providing it with elasticity
- suitable for sensitive skin
- Grape seeds contain an anti-oxidized efficiency is 18 times higher than Vitamin C and 50 times higher than Vitamin E
- Makes skin glows
- Increase skin elasticity and delays wrinkle formation
- Firms the skin preventing it from aging
- Increase blood circulation of the skin
- Green tea extract have extremely good calming and soothing effect on the skin
- Removes pigmentation caused by the harmful UV lights
- Whitens and minimizes pores
- Softens and re-hydrates the skin
- Suitable for sensitive skin
- Helps to control oil secretion
- Unclog and reduces pore size, making skin clearer and smoother
- Whiten the skin
- Helps to prevent the pimple
- Suitable for oily skin
- Rhodiola rosea effective for improving mood and alleviating depression
- Rich with lots of anti-oxidation
- Improves dull and rough skin
- Increase skin elasticity and delays wrinkle formation
- Moisturizes and re-hydrates the skin
- Suitable for dry skin
- help to combat against uneven skin tone
- skin becomes more radiant
- smoothen rough skin, moisture and re-hydrates dry skin
- the presence of proteins help to slow down aging.
Marigold Extract Mask 金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜
- plant extracts that re-hydrate and smoothen the skin's texture
- provides aromatherapy effect
- skin will fresh and rejuvenated
- slows down aging skin
- increase the skin’s metabolism
- improves and rejuvenates skin's elasticity and cell genetation
- cleanses and unclog dirts in the pores
- whitens the skin, leaving it crystal clear
Preservation Period 保存期:
3 years from date of manufacturing 3年,从出产日期开始计算
Application method 敷用方法:
Facial mask 面膜
- Apply mask after cleansing of face 清洗脸后,把面膜敷在脸上
- Remove after 15 – 20 minutes 15-20分钟后可以拿掉
After removing, you can either 你掉之后,你可以:
- use a dry cloth to tap dry the essence on your face or 用干布把脸上的精华抹掉 或 - wash it away with water 用水洗干净
Try not to wipe out the essence of the mask 不要把面膜上的精华抹掉 You can use a tissue to spread the essence around your neck and your hand 你可以用纸巾把面膜上的精华搽在你的颈项和手 The masks are mild enough for daily usage but once every 2 days will be sufficient 每天敷用面膜效果会更好,但每两天敷一次效果也不错 ^o^
Hi ... I got sell mask and korea cosmetic lens . I also got supply my product . If u are interested , you can contact me via email happy_friendly_forever@hotmail.com
All goods are not refundable 不能退货
If u want to cancel your order or anything spoil when you receive the stock , we will not be responsible about it and return the money to you . Sorry for the inconvenient
After my supplier make the order , around 2-3 weeks the manufacturers will post the thing out . Around 1 week , MM will receive the stock . If MM cant wait , please don’t order . Because I really dun like people keep asking me whether the stock reach already or not . It seem like I cheating all MM money . If the stock reach , I sure will inform all MM , and then post all the stock out . The date that supplier post the stock out is not controlled by me , the things that I can only do is wait for the stock come , immediately post out to all MM . Please corporate . Other than that , once the thing post out and there is any problem occur at the post office , we wont be responsibility on it . Thank you .
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