The Man Mask (RM5.50 per piece)
*╮為滿足現代男性保濕需求研發而成。超服貼的材質更能將面膜中精華液的成分緊緊鎖 於肌膚中,再將它傳遞到臉部肌膚的底層鎖起來。除了驚人的保濕力之 外,還添加高 含量膠原蛋白,含高效保濕因子,預防乾燥、供給肌膚養分,讓肌膚呈現健康柔皙的 膚色,它輕盈的質地可以很快的滲透肌膚深層。對各種膚 質均有保濕、及修護的效果。 並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕,立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。
*╮採用獨特配方是針對所有的男性所研發,溫和清爽的質地,可減少皮脂的分泌,並提 供肌膚深層所需的保濕,可針對油性肌膚做最佳保養,調節臉部易出油 的部位,可發 揮具有淨化肌膚及調節油脂分泌的功效,迅速潔淨、緊緻毛孔,更能徹底深層淨化肌 膚,將肌膚的污垢與老化細胞的全部代謝,讓肌膚從表層 到深層都潔淨清爽並保濕, 深度滋潤肌膚,讓您沉睡已久的肌膚重新展現光采!
The Man ~ 抗痘面膜 - - -( 男性面膜 ) --- 控痘
*╮★ 能軟化角質、抑制痘痘滋生 ★「男性抗痘面膜能控制皮脂活性、調節油脂分泌,改善油膩不潔肌膚、收斂粗大毛孔、預防及改善面皰肌膚。讓您的肌膚一整天都能有清爽不油膩、清新又清透的感覺喔!並且迅速補充流失的水份,迅速補水,快速恢復年輕,立即舒緩緊繃的肌膚。
HOKAido Lover brand (RM4.50 per piece)
Hokaido~Argireline Mask 北海道恋人~15胜肽焕颜面膜
- reduces existing facial wrinkles and minimize pores
- effective against the development of new wrinkles
- aids in gentle exfoliation and revitalise skin
- restoring our skin to a fair and rosy colour
- suitable for all skin types
Hokaido~Anti-oil Purifying Mask 北海道恋人~抗油调理双效面膜
- Helps to control oil secretion and reduce pore size
- Tightens and repairs skin
- Whiten the skin
- Improve skin elasticity and moisturizes the skin
- Suitable for all skin types especially oily skin
Hokaido ~ Sakura Whitening Mask 北海道恋人~樱花嫩白光彩面膜
- Improve skin pigmentation
- Leaves the skin clean and cool
- Whitening the skin
- Softens and re-hydrates the skin
- Cleanses and unclog dirt in the pores
- Suitable for all skin types especially coarse or dull skin
Hokaido~E.G.F. Reconstruct Mask 北海道恋人~E.G.F.修护无痕面膜
- improve skin regeneration
- moisturizes the skin
- delays wrinkle formation
- re-hydrates the skin
- suitable for all skin types especially for aging skin
→蠶絲蛋白可提高保濕 →多重防护由里到外加强美丽因子
Hokaido~L-Ascorbic Acid Whitening Mask 北海道恋人~左旋C晶透净白面膜
- Restore glow and eliminates skin pigmentation spots
- Hydrates skin and smoothen out wrinkles hence improving skin elasticity
- Balances uneven skin tone
- Whiten the skin
- Suitable for all skin types especially for dull skin
Hokaido~Q10 Elastic Mask 北海道恋人~Q10紧绷弹力面膜
- Restores elasticity of skin making the skin more supple and soft
- Moisturizes the skin
- Delays wrinkle formation
- Improves epithelial cell regeneration
- Suitable for all skin types
→ Q10可讓肌膚緊緻平滑,恢復肌膚儲水、保水
→ 撫平皺紋的發生
→ 添加蛋白及玻尿酸,改善皮膚使肌膚緊緻,
→ 多種植物萃取精華,幫助肌膚維持彈性緊緻
Hokaido~Hyaluronic Acid Mask 北海道恋人~玻尿酸水漾面膜
- help to combat against uneven skin tone
- skin becomes more radiant
- smoothen rough skin, moisture and re-hydrates dry skin
- the presence of proteins help to slow down aging
- suitable for all skin types especially for dehydrated skin
Wo De Xin Ji Brand (RM4.50 per piece)
Pearl Extract Mask 珍珠粉蛋白面膜
- Improves skin elasticity and re-hydrates skin
- Smoothen out uneven skin tone
- Suitable for dry skin
成 份:珍珠萃取液、膠原蛋白、蘆薈萃取液、玻尿酸。
功效:提升肌膚活力,保持肌膚的水份及彈性. 特別推薦乾燥無彈性膚質使用。可使肌膚維持極佳的保水度, 可使水份不流失外,亦極有滋潤度,敷後如絲緞般柔滑
Vitamin C Mask 左旋C淨白面膜
- Restore glow and eliminates skin pigmentation spots
- Hydrates skin
- Contain anti-oxidation that smoothen out wrinkles
- Improving skin elasticity
成 份:左旋C、玻尿酸、小黃瓜萃取、維他命C、銀杏萃取。
Sake-Kojic Extract Mask 埔里酒粕純米吟釀面膜
- Contain lots of anti-oxidants
- Increase blood circulation of the skin
- Improve uneven skin tone and skin dullness
- Moisturizes the skin
- Contain pitera that can soften the skin
成 份:清酒酒粕、小黃瓜萃取液、山毛櫸萃取液、玻尿酸。
功效:使肌膚清透白皙並能促進肌膚的新陳代謝, 改善肌膚方面等等問題,因為含有豐富的 pitera 可使肌膚更光滑細緻 !!
Iris Extract Mask 净化调理面膜
- Help to control oil secretion
- Unclog and reduces pore size , making skin clearer and smoother
- Suitable for oily skin
成 份:玻尿酸、小黃瓜萃取液、綠茶萃取液。
功效:具有收斂肌膚、抑制油脂分泌之功用,改善油腻不洁肌肤,收检粗大毛孔。並添加高效保 濕因子,為肌膚補充大量水分,改善肌肤粗糙现象。
Q10 Collagen Mask Q10膠原蛋白緊膚面膜
- Collagen improve skin elasticity
- Mosturizes and lighten the skin
- Promote cell regeneration and smoothen wrinkles
~whiten the skin
成 份:膠原蛋白.Q10.蘆薈萃取液.鳶尾草萃取液.玻尿酸。
Red Wine Polyphenols Mask 特浓红酒多酚面膜
- Whiten and re-hydrates the skin
- Keeps the skin young
- Restores radiance and glow in the skin
- Firms the skin preventing it from aging
成 份:紅酒多酚、乳酸鈉、小黃瓜萃取、長效雙重保濕劑。
Milk Mask 牛奶亮白保湿面膜
- Improves dull and rough skin
- Moisturizes and re-hydrates the skin
- Restores elasticity of skin making the skin more supple , soft and smooth
- Whitens and brightens complexion
功效:可緊實肌膚,恢復彈性,對於保濕有極佳的效果,長期使用肌膚會更明亮透白,立即改善臉部肌膚粗糙、無光澤的問題使 肌膚重現完美,柔細光滑、白皙細膩、舒緩平滑
Arbutin Extract Mask 熊果素亮白無暇面膜
- Prevents melanin formation and evens out skin pigment that form freckles and scars
- Repairs skin and improves skin elasticity
- Improve uneven skin tone and skin dullness
成 份:熊果素、小黃瓜萃取液、龍膽草萃取液、桑葚萃取液、卵磷脂、玻尿酸。
Caviar Extract Mask 深海魚子鑽石級精華面膜
- The caviar extract helps repair skin and promotes skin regeneration
- Contain high amount of anti-oxidants
- Reduces the chances of aging
- Smooth and rejuvenate the skin, leaving it young and firm
成 份:魚子萃取液、小黃瓜萃取液、維他命E、卵磷脂、山毛櫸萃取液、玻尿酸。
Deep Ocean Water Mask 海洋深層水鑽石級面膜
- Rich with micro mineral substances that supplies the skin with nutrients
- Moisture the skin
- firm the skin, providing it with elasticity
- suitable for sensitive skin
成 份:海洋深層水。
Collagen + Menthol Extract Mask 薄荷膠原蛋白面膜
- Controls oil secretion and breakouts
- Repairs and restores skin structures
- Leaves the skin clean and cool
- Suitable for oily skin
成 份:薄荷、膠原蛋白、桑椹萃取液、玻尿酸。
Grape Seed Extract Mask 葡萄籽亮白喚膚面膜
- Grape seeds contain an anti-oxidized efficiency is 18 times higher than Vitamin C and 50 times higher than Vitamin E
- Makes skin glows
- Increase skin elasticity and delays wrinkle formation
- Firms the skin preventing it from aging
成 份:葡萄籽萃取液、膠原蛋白、玻尿酸。
功效:使肌膚明亮、緊緻有彈性 • 長期使用能延緩細紋滋生 •有很好的保溼效果,能留住肌膚水分, 減緩乾性肌膚缺水乾燥的現象, 重現飽滿豐潤的膚質,精華液成分, 讓肌膚水嫩嫩,光滑的留不住細紋。
Green Tea + Barley Extract Mask 绿茶意仁嫩白净痘面膜
- Increase blood circulation of the skin
- Green tea extract have extremely good calming and soothing effect on the skin
- Removes pigmentation caused by the harmful UV lights
- Whitens and minimizes pores
- Softens and re-hydrates the skin
- Suitable for sensitive skin
成 份:綠茶萃取液、蘆薈萃取液、糙米萃取液、玻尿酸、水芹萃取液。
Osmosoft Mask 綠茶草本潔荳面膜
- Helps to control oil secretion
- Unclog and reduces pore size, making skin clearer and smoother
- Whiten the skin
- Helps to prevent the pimple
- Suitable for oily skin
成 份:綠茶多酚、尿囊素、金縷梅、洋甘菊萃取液。
Rhodiola Rosea Extract Mask 紅景天玻尿酸面膜
- Rhodiola rosea effective for improving mood and alleviating depression
- Rich with lots of anti-oxidation
- Improves dull and rough skin
- Increase skin elasticity and delays wrinkle formation
- Moisturizes and re-hydrates the skin
- Suitable for dry skin
成 份:紅景天萃取液、蘆薈萃取液、玻尿酸。
Sodium Hyaluronate Mask 頂級玻尿酸保濕面膜
- help to combat against uneven skin tone
- skin becomes more radiant
- smoothen rough skin, moisture and re-hydrates dry skin
- the presence of proteins help to slow down aging.
成 份:玻尿酸、小黃瓜萃取液、甘草萃取液、膠原蛋白。
Marigold Extract Mask 金盞花舒緩鑽石級面膜
- plant extracts that re-hydrate and smoothen the skin's texture
- provides aromatherapy effect
- skin will fresh and rejuvenated
成 份:金盞花萃取液、桑椹萃取液、西印度櫻桃萃取液、玻尿酸。
Bacillus Ferment Mask 深层角质面膜
- slows down aging skin
- increase the skin’s metabolism
- improves and rejuvenates skin's elasticity and cell genetation
- cleanses and unclog dirts in the pores
- whitens the skin, leaving it crystal clear
成 份:龍膽草萃取液、桑椹萃取液、甘草萃取液、西印度櫻桃萃取液。
Hydrolyzed Silk Protein Mask 蠶絲蛋白緊緻面膜
- Increases skin elasticity and re-hydrates it
- Promote cell regeneration
- Prevents ultraviolet ray damage
- skin feels cool and non-greasy
成 份:蠶絲蛋白、微膠原蛋白、銀杏萃取精華。
Astaxanthin + Collagen Mask 蝦紅素鑽石面膜
- Improves skin elasticity and moisturizes.
- Anti-oxidation effects that protects and benefits the skin
成 份:蝦紅素、小黃瓜萃取液、綠茶萃取液、卵磷脂、玻尿酸。
Cute Mask (RM5.50 per piece)
Xin Ji Mei Ren Eye Mask (RM5.00 per piece)
Xin Ji Mei Ren Eye Mask (RM5.50 per piece)
面膜是最简单、快速且经济的美肤保养品,持续使用可促进皮肤代谢,使肌肤光泽,恢复肌肤光彩、减少细纹,提高肌肤的自主防御能力,让肌肤水水嫩嫩、白皙亮丽!一星期三次,一次15-20 分钟,你就能拥有魅力,年轻,水嫩嫩又亮白的肌肤啦~
Product Information 产品资料
Preservation Period 保存期:
3 years from date of manufacturing 3年,从出产日期开始计算
Application method 敷用方法:
Facial mask 面膜
- Apply mask after cleansing of face 清洗脸后,把面膜敷在脸上
- Remove after 15 – 20 minutes 15-20分钟后可以拿掉
After removing, you can either 你掉之后,你可以:
- use a dry cloth to tap dry the essence on your face or 用干布把脸上的精华抹掉 或
- wash it away with water 用水洗干净
You can use a tissue to spread the essence around your neck and your hand 你可以用纸巾把面膜上的精华搽在你的颈项和手
The masks are mild enough for daily usage but once every 2 days will be sufficient 每天敷用面膜效果会更好,但每两天敷一次效果也不错 ^o^